my oc world

Name: Angel
Age: ageless adult
Gender: nonbinary transfem
Pronouns: she/he
Species: sleep spirit
Race: indigenous american
Orientation: lesbian


Of the spirits of her kind, one might say Angel is the kindest you'll ever come across. He has a deeply caring heart and a genuine love for humanity, something he puts to use with everyone he encounters. She's also very generous, opening up her skills to anyone who needs them. He can be very gullible though, as he chooses to see the best in everyone and won't fight back unless absolutely necessary. Nonetheless, she's very perceptive and intelligent (especially emotionally) and can navigate almost any situation she encounters with grace. He has a good listening ear and quite a bit of patience - people often feel like they can talk to him about anything. However, she often gets very invested in others' issues without thinking about her own.


Before her death, Angel was a young indigenous adult who was severely disabled. The older he got, the more time he spent asleep, but he was deeply loved in his community in his waking moments. She learned quickly and was always willing to help and guide others in their problems, be they spiritual or earthly. His kind and wise heart was remembered by everyone, right up until he died in his sleep in his early adult years.

Angel was reborn as a sleep spirit - specifically one that one might compare to a sleep paralysis demon. Aside from being able to manipulate dreams, he could appear to people in sleep paralysis to interact with them. Despite the reputation of such spirits, Angel immediately began to put this to good use. Anyone she came to in a state of sleep paralysis she would be incredibly kind to, communicating with them mentally to help work out whatever issues were on their mind.

She soon became known as a "therapy spirit" in the spirit realm. While no human remembered him upon waking they would always feel a problem of theirs had resolved itself, all thanks to his interference. While some would accuse her of being soft, she is beloved by many spirits and has many who would not hesitate to protect her from any danger.

View her gallery here!